「畫一個臉部彩繪需要多少時間?」這是最經常被問到的問題。A painting artist is usually asked,”How long for one design?”

以化妝作比喻, 請問姊妹們花多少時間化妝出門呢? 畫一對眉要多久? 有人5分鐘化好, 有人每次要30分鐘, 新娘妝最少1小時。是不是時間越長就越勁?越專業技巧越高超,就越快靚正,但要細緻時間也會較長,不可能1分鐘化好全妝吧。同樣道理:


照片中的女孩可以清晰介紹我知道這隻公主飛馬的名字,而且很乖乖坐定定,這個特別款式大約用了10分鐘。(生日會詳情 party works here)

Sometimes even the parents also have no idea about their kids’ favorite and it’s impossible to remember the names of all cartoon characters.  It took 10 minutes for this Princess Celestia since Jade is the first girl requested me to paint this. Our whole team always love trying new designs if time is allowed!

平時不少款式也可以3至5分鐘或之內完成。Fiona can finish most common designs in around 3 to 5 minutes.

成人較喜歡範圍偏細的亮麗彩繪設計, 如果活動人數較多, Fiona可以1至2分鐘完成。若人數及時間不太緊張, 則3至5分鐘一位。
(成人活動詳情event for teenagers/adults)
Adult love eye sparkling or cool design which could be finished within 2 minutes.

有些款式fiona會準備專業用具, 例如右下的小男孩要埃及國旗顏色及世界杯, 大約2-3分鐘。
中間是噴繪,快至1分鐘完成2-3個也可, 左下小姐的大約1-2分鐘一個。
Fiona would tailor-made specific tool for some super quick design, it took 2 to 3 minutes for the right boy, the middle is super fast option to be finished within 1 minute by airbrush, the left lady one took around 1 to 2 minutes.

以上時間根據Fiona的專業經驗及快而準的技巧, 而時間會受以下因素影響: 小朋友能否安坐, 成人及小朋友有時需要熱身, 最初拒絕但一會兒後再想嘗試; 參與者的完美標準等等。
The time above is according to Fiona’s professional experience and techniques. Factors affecting the waiting time: If the kids can keep still; both adults & kids sometimes need warm-up and rejected at the beginning, but would love to try later; the esthetic standard of guests being painted..etc.

Original design by HK face painting artist fiona

當然Fiona的複雜彩繪藝術作品, 就花最少一至兩小時完成啦! For some signature face/body art designs, Fiona has painted at least 1 to 2 hours!




Copyright © fiona’s face HK. All rights reserved.


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